The Pan – Arab African Iranian and Turkic Pan Islamic Working Class Must Establish a Proletarian Islamic National Socialist New Order in The Greater Middle East North Africa Region

The Arab Iranian and Turkic peoples are all majority Islamic ethnic groups when the majority of the peoples within these three ethnic groups are counted  and they are  also the main ethnic groups in the Greater  Middle East North Africa  region which extends to The Atlantic ocean  on the coasts of northwestern Africa to Central Asia and the borders of China. and they are also the three main ethnic groups of the Islamic world when the Turkic countries of Central Asia  along with  the Iranic ethnic groups of The Persianate countries and ethnic groups such as Iran Afghanistan  Tajikistan and The Kurdish people  are   counted along with the  20 odd Arab countries of the Pan Arab homeland The Arab Nation being  the heart and center of the Islamic world and the birthplace of The Noble Arab Prophet Muhammad SAWS each of these Islamic ethnic groups The Arab Iranian and Turkic peoples have a distinct nationalism and Pan unitary mission. The Arabs having Pan Arabism The Iranian or Iranic peoples have Pan Iranism and The Turkic peoples have Pan Turkism. all of these Islamic peoples The Arabs The Iranians and The Turkic peoples should work to complete  their Pan Nationalist unitary missions within their respective regions of the  historical and tradition   Pan Islamic homeland  which they inhabit.  The Arabs with Pan Arabism Pan Iranism with The Iranian or Iranic peoples and Pan Turkism with The Turkic peoples the Pan Unitary missions of the Arab Iranic and Turkic peoples can only triumph and  be accomplished  under revolutionary working class leadership. as the  two great revolutionary Communist leaders Stalin and Mao Zedong pointed out long ago that it is only the working class in our era which is willing and able to carry out the national liberation struggles of  oppressed  peoples to success and final victory.  once this is done  The  Arabs Iranians and The Turkic peoples should then unite and from a joint Pan Middle Eastern  confederation within the ideological  framework of an Pan Middle Eastern North African MENA Nationalism. and create  a Proletarian Islamic Socialist confederation under working class leadership which will consist of the Three main Islamic ethnic groups in the region The Arab Iranians and Turkic  Islamic peoples. each of these three ethnic groups shall have their own free and independent confederation  within the greater  Pan Middle Eastern MENA region in which  they The Arabs The Iranic Peoples and Turkic Peoples will have control over their own political  military and cultural affairs within the framework  of Revolutionary Proletarian Islamic Pan Islamism and Pan Middle Eastern and North African nationalism in this union    The Pan Arab Zone of this confederation should stretch   from  Mauritania  to Yemen  including Djibouti Eritrea Somalia. in northeastern Africa and the Red Sea region. The Pan Turkic region of this confederation should should extend from  Northern Cyprus to The Republic of Turkey all the way to East Turkestan in central Asia  The Pan Iranian zone should include Iran Afghanistan  and Tajikistan  in addition  The Non-Arab African Muslim countries and Pakistan  should also be  included and allowed to join this confederation. if they so wish together The Arab Iranian Turkic and other Islamic peoples under the leadership of their working classes  and under the guidance of  the Ideology of Proletarian Islam   shall bring about the downfall of all of the neo-colonist puppet regimes in the MENA region which were all  put in place by western imperialism and in the process also destroy the Zionist state of Israel and  bring about a new National Socialist Proletarian Islamic new order in the greater Middle eastern and North African region of the non-white Pan Original world.

The International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam can be contacted  at

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