Communist Party of Proletarian Islam Special Message and Statement on the 99th Anniversary of The Birth of Malcolm X Great Revolutionary Forefather and Forerunner of Proletarian Islam Rise Up and Destroy White World Supremacy and Global Zionism.

On This the 98th Anniversary of The birth of Malcolm X El Hajj Malik El Shabazz The International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam and all Proletarian Muslims say to the peoples of the Non-White Pan Oriignal World of the Global South and to The Peoples of the global Pan Islamic nation Ummah to rise up and fight rise up and fight and destroy white world supremacy global capitalism white world imperialism and global Zionism. to the New Afrikan Black Nation in North America the Nation and people to which Malcolm X belonged to and fought for during all of the days of his political life here on earth we say rise up and fight to complete The Black Revolution of the 1960s by creating a independent Black state in North America The Republic of New Afrika. to The Puerto Rican nation we say fight fight for the national independence and freedom of Puerto Rico we say to the the Mexican people fight for the liberation of Aztlan reunite Northern Mexico which is now the southwestern United States and California with The Republic of Mexico and create a greater Mexican state a free and united Aztlan and strike a blow against white world supremacy and imperialism. Malcolm X believed very strongly that the Black New Afrikan Puerto Rican and Mexican liberation struggles within North America should be united in a strong joint union and united front against US Imperialism and Malcolm X believed very strongly in the liberation of all of the peoples of Latin American and the linking up of the struggle against imperialism there with the Black Liberation struggle in North America and the larger Pan African world revolution on this the 98th anniversary of the Birth of Malcolm X may these revolutionary Pan African Pan Latino and Pan Original Nationalist principals live on and unite The African and Latino masses worldwide. in Europe the birthplace of the ideology of white supremacy and white world imperialism may the non-white immigrants and migrants to that continent especially the Arab African Turkish Muslim migrants and immigrants there unite with all of the genuine Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Zionist elements and political forces within European society and create a new Anti-imperialist and Anti-Zionist political and social order on the European continent and help overthrow white world imperialism from within as Malcolm X believed in and called for during his lifetime. in Arab Palestine may the revolutionary struggle of the Palestinian Arab people in occupied Arab and Islamic Palestine continue on to its liberation from The river to the sea and may the Arab peoples destroy Israel and unite into one single Pan Arab Proletarian Islamic Socialist state form the Atlantic to the gulf and may The Peoples of Africa Arab and Non-Arab unite into a socialist United States of Africa and Arabia may Iran one day become a Proletarian Islamic socialist State and Afghanistan and Pakistan as well and may The Turkic Islamic peoples into into a Pan Turkic Proletarian Islamic Socialist State. may of the Islamic peoples of the world unite into one single Proletarian Islamic Socialist confederation and commonwealth of Islamic peoples and nations may all of the Original Black Brown Red and Yellow Non-White Original Peoples of the earth unite with each other and embrace the principals of Pan Oriignal World Nationalism and crush the global rule of white world imperialism and supremacy and its Zionist ally forever and for all time and establish the reign freedom justice equality and Socialism on earth.

The International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam can be contacted at

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