Archive for Rashidin Caliphate.

Vladimir Lenin Was Very Proud of His Turkic- Mongolian Turanian Ancestry

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 25, 2017 by The International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam

Modren science is increasing proving that there is such a thing  as genetic memory  which means that a person can inherit the memories of their physical   ancestors  along with the genetic DNA from these very same ancestors  and  Comrade Vladimir Lenin the Great Leader of the Soviet Revolution was very proud of his Turkic- Mongolian ancestry  and his Turanian racial roots which he inherited from his father Ilya Ulyanov and it showed in his political actions and political lines that he took  from  very early on his revolutionary political career.  Lenin during his lifetime  supported the various liberation struggles that were taking place within the Pan Islamic Homeland. such   as the Afro-Arabian Islamic Nationalist Jihad in Libya against the Italian occupation of that Afro-Arabian  Islamic land.  and The National liberation struggle of the Indonesian  people against Dutch Imperialism  in southeast Asia  which was based on the  Islamic identity   and culture of the  Indonesian  Islamic  people.   Lenin also supported  and upheld  the Turkish Revolution of 1908 which was led by the  Pan Turkic and Pan Islamic leaders of the Young Turk movement in what  is today the Republic of Turkey.  Lenin supported the Young Turk Revolution and upheld it as one of the greatest  and most significant    Anti-Imperialist revolutions of the early 20th century. and  after the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia Lenin would sign a Treaty  of friendship  with the Turkish Government in the  aftermath of World War 1    and he would later  grant The Turkish Nationalist and Islamic socialist  revolutionary Enver Pasha  asylum  in   the  newly  established Soviet territories of  what  would eventually become the Soviet Union.  Comrade Lenin  and the new Soviet state under his leadership  would also give  political military  and financial  aid and assistance to the Revolutionary Turkish Nationalist movement which was  led by The Islamic Socialist Revolutionary Mustafa Kemal Ataturk  in its   life and death battle with the Neo-Byzantine  Greek chauvinist  and their white western allies. Lenin also supported and  celebrated  the rise of Japan which is an Eastern Asian Turanian nation like Turkey and its people are racially and ethnically related and kin to the Turkic Islamic peoples of The Pan Islamic homeland. and he Lenin upheld Japan as a model for  all of Asia and the Non-White world to follow. and Lenin saw The Japanese bourgeoisie of the early 20th century as a progressive force which was combatting  western Imperialism and the pro western Russian government  of Czar Nicholas  II and he hailed the victory of Japan over Russia in the Russian Japanese War of 1905  as  a progressive event due to the Japanese  Bourgeoisie     being a progressive class which still had a revolutionary and progressive  role to play in Asia.  Lenin being a man who was very racially proud of his Mongolian ancestry also gave political and military support to the Mongolian national revolution of  1921 led by  the great Mongolian nationalist revolutionary Damdin Sukhbaatar and his comrade in arms   Khorloogiin Choibalsan.    during  this same time period in modern-day  Iran  Lenin and his Soviet government also gave political support and military aid to the Persian Socialist Republic  and the Islamic Socialist revolution  which was at the time being led by Mirza Kuchik Khan and his Comrades in northern Iran   Lenin also worked to   establish   a strong geopolitical alliance with the  government  of Afghanistan and its Pan Islamic government and strong political relations were established with the Muslim   monarch of The Anti-Imperialist Emirate and  then  Kingdom of  Afghanistan  led by the Anti-Imperialist and Anti-Western King Amanullah Khan and he and Lenin would exchanged  several  letters with each  other and they would both plot the liberation of Asia and the Islamic world from western Imperialism  together.  during this same era back in Russia   within the newly liberated Soviet territories of what became the Soviet Union   one of the very first acts of the New Soviet government  of Lenin   was to declare  the  rights of the Muslim Peoples of The former Russian empire to compete religious  cultural and national  freedom after centuries of oppression by the while European  Czarist   rulers  of  the Russian Empire.  and  Comrade Lenin returned the Quran of  The  Third  Caliph of the Rashidin Caliph  Uthman Ibn Affan to the Muslim communities of Russia and the other Soviet areas.  one of Comrade Lenin’s most proudest moments  during this time was the  creation  of a Soviet   autonomous republic   for his Turkic Muslim Brothers and Sisters and his  racial and ethnic kin   the  Baskir Turkic Islamic ethnic group.  and he did same for many of the other Islamic ethnic groups of the early Soviet state of which he governed  and ruled.   Lenin called  upon  the global Pan Islamic working class and all of the revolutionary Anti-Imperialist masses of the Pan Islamic nation and homeland to join hands in revolutionary struggle with the Bolsheviks to overthrow  the global imperialist system once and all and to create  a new world order based on Revolutionary  Socialism and National  liberation for the oppressed Peoples  of the world. Lenin passed away  and died in 1924 and the  leaders of the Soviet Union that came after him would later  betray Comrade Lenin’s Pro Pan Islamic  Pan Asian and Pan Turkic agenda and  ideology.  but the true  ideas of Revolutionary Leninism and the Pro Islamic  Pro Pan Asian  Pro Turkic and  Pan Turanian agenda of Comrade Lenin Lives on within the International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam and the global Proletarian Islamic camp.  if the Soviet Union had not collapsed  and been torn apart in 1991 The Soviet Union was well on its way to demographically becoming  a majority  Turkic and  Islamic country.  today all of the Turkic Mongolian Islamic Masses and  the other peoples  of Turanian  and Islamic ethnic and cultural heritage   of the  former Soviet Union and Eurasia should and must rise up in revolutionary struggle  to  rebuild  resurrect and  restore  The Soviet Union as  a Pan Turkic Pan Turanian Pan Asian   Pan  Mongolian and Islamic country and on a Pan Turkic Pan Turanian  Pan Asianist and  Pan Islamic  Proletarian Islamic Socialist   Ideological basis and foundation.  a Proletarian Islamic Soviet Union  and Socialist state created  in the former  areas of the old Soviet Union will be  in a magnificent geopolitical  position  to aid and assist the Global Pan Islamic socialist world  revolution and The Pan Original Revolution of the Non-White Original Masses of the Earth.     a Proletarian Islamic Soviet State in these  areas  of the former Soviet Union will  help to create and bring into being a World  Union of Islamic Socialist Republics and the Global victory of Islam and Proletarian Islamic Socialism  and then Proletarian  Communism the world over. all Proletarian Muslims must work towards the  realization of this great goal the creation of a   Turanian  Soviet Union  with  a Pan  Turanain Pan Turkic  Pan Islamic and Pan Asianist state  ideology guiding it in Revolutionary struggle. all Proletarian Muslims and Pan Original Revolutionaries must work towards the realization of this great goal.

The International Pan Islamic Communist Party of Proletarian Islam can be contacted at